Tuesday, February 27, 2007

The best thing about Easter...

is the chocolate, of course (atheist much? why, yes). I just finished some mini eggs and hopped over to read my friends' blog, where she'd posted all about cream eggs. Yum!

I was given a free chocolate chip cookie at work today, too. It's the best thing about my office being where it is, on the same floor as all the meeting rooms - whenever there's leftover cake/cookies/danishes etc, it's all ours. We could have free pop or juice, but I prefer to save my sugar limits for the baked goods. Also, the lady who runs the meeting rooms always has a dish of Hershey's chocolates on her desk that she shares. I don't have one usually but yesterday I was a zombie so I ran up and said "I need sugar!!" (I meant to say, may I have some chocolate please? but instead, the inner two year old came out). Anyways, she told me to help myself, so I had a glorious mini-Hershey milk chocolate bar with toffee chips and almonds. Mmmm.

Also free today: got a free coffee with my roll up the rim to win! Yay! Things are pretty boring otherwise though. My apartment is super clean because we had "heater inspections" today, as a guy in the building set his bedroom on fire by leaving a candle burning last week. Candles are actually not allowed, so I suspect the heat inspections were more than our radiators. Plus I gave notice today 'cause I have to move back to icky London in two months. Blah.

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