Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Living in the "big city"

This amuses me to no end. A few years ago, I hated Toronto. It was dirty, there were homeless people everywhere, the streets were packed and it seemed like all there was were stores and the overpriced CN Tower.

Ah, how times have changed. I laughed when my former roommate posted on facebook that she could remember when in undergrad, I was so paranoid about living in a city the size of Guelph and thought TO was the devil. The above things are still true (except for the last bit about stores and the tower), but they don't mean the same things to me anymore. I know what's changed my perceptions of TO - visiting Jen here on co-op, checking out new places like the distillery district and various markets around the city, etc. All the bookstores don't hurt either :) But now it's my home, and I'm not scared of it anymore.

I probably drive my roommates crazy with the little things that amuse me so much here. Just little things at work, walking around, seeing the sites are so exciting. I wonder how long it will last. I just feel that there's so much more I can do now, from going to nuit blanche to trying a new type of food (was it Mongolian last week? I can't remember). Tomorrow I'm going for crepes for lunch at a farmer's market and I'm taking part in a meeting about a project that I'm going to be heavily involved in at work - scary! Adult responsibilities at work! But it's so cool at the same time. I'm really psyched about it all.

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