Saturday, November 17, 2007

Ikea: Parts 1 and 2

As some of you may know, some Ikeas have a bus that operates from the nearest subway station. Somehow, this became exciting - like Disneyland exciting- and I had to go. I had many visions of the Ikea bus - was it blue and quirky? Was it full of comfy Poang chairs instead of regular bus seats?

Sadly, no. It was a regular mini-coach type bus, that didn't even have Ikea written on it, just a printed out sign on the window. And then I got on and was all excited because there was a TV onboard - does this mean we get to watch commercials? Ikea has some hilarious banned commercials. But no, no tv was played. It was a speedy trip, and I found a few things for the flat, and got to ride the not-so-magical Ikea bus back to the subway.

Jen and I went to Ikea again this week, to order our bitchin' bookshelves. They are supercool. We also bought a bunch of other stuff (yay two carts!) and had some guys do some heavy lifting for us. Then we arranged for our bookshelves/dressers/organizer stuff to be delivered, which is way cheaper (like half the price) if you do it in store versus ordering the same thing on the internet and having it delivered. The only catch is is that the delivery is next day only, pretty much. You can't buy something on Tuesday and have it delivered on Saturday. Plus our delivery was supposed to come between 5-9 pm last night, but the guy was there at 4:50 and cranky. Ah well, our sweet new stuff is here. Now, to put it all together...

Oh, and we also had 50 cent hot dogs, which amused me. Ikea has everything.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Living in the "big city"

This amuses me to no end. A few years ago, I hated Toronto. It was dirty, there were homeless people everywhere, the streets were packed and it seemed like all there was were stores and the overpriced CN Tower.

Ah, how times have changed. I laughed when my former roommate posted on facebook that she could remember when in undergrad, I was so paranoid about living in a city the size of Guelph and thought TO was the devil. The above things are still true (except for the last bit about stores and the tower), but they don't mean the same things to me anymore. I know what's changed my perceptions of TO - visiting Jen here on co-op, checking out new places like the distillery district and various markets around the city, etc. All the bookstores don't hurt either :) But now it's my home, and I'm not scared of it anymore.

I probably drive my roommates crazy with the little things that amuse me so much here. Just little things at work, walking around, seeing the sites are so exciting. I wonder how long it will last. I just feel that there's so much more I can do now, from going to nuit blanche to trying a new type of food (was it Mongolian last week? I can't remember). Tomorrow I'm going for crepes for lunch at a farmer's market and I'm taking part in a meeting about a project that I'm going to be heavily involved in at work - scary! Adult responsibilities at work! But it's so cool at the same time. I'm really psyched about it all.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

"The Change"

So, visiting my family for two weeks has led to some insight, mostly unpleasant. However, there is one thing I would like to state for the record here and now: please, for the love of god, let me retain some of my memory when I go through menopause. My dad is famous for not having a memory, and now my mother's joined him. She blames "the change". I'm not sure. A sample conversation, after yours truly did a Nice Thing and brought her a magazine and some news articles about celebrities my mom's interested in:
Me: Here's a copy of People and some news articles about Viggo Mortenson and his Habs shirt while filming in Ontario.
Mom: Cool, thanks.

Later (a whole TWO MINUTES later)
Mom : This picture of Viggo- he's not wearing his Habs shirt!! Why did you tell me that.
Me: No, Mom, I said the article was about his Habs shirt. This picture's part of the TIFF fashion pages.
Mom: Hmmpf. Well, I already read somewhere about how he owns a Habs shirt.
Me: Right.

Shortly therafter, mom is reading people:
"Who's this Amy Winehouse person? She sounds familiar."
Me: Yes mom, we were listening to her CD yesterday. She's the one who has the Rehab song and keeps winding up in rehab.
Mom : "Oh. Well." Then she proceeds to read the entire magazine article to me, after which I make the mistake of saying "Yes, I've already read that" and get my head chewed off for being rude. Then she goes on to read on the rest of the page, and says "well, he doesn't look like a very nice boy" and STARTS READING ME THE NEXT ARTICLE. At which point I risk life and limb and mention again that I have read the magazine, and she informs me huffily to pretend that she's reading it aloud to the cat. That would be the cat that we let outside about half an hour ago.

Christ Jeezus. I don't know who needs tranquilizers more.

Oh, and also, on the way here, I said, I really want to have a shower when I get home. So the first thing she does after letting the cat out was starting up the washing machine for a load of laundry, therefore negating any possibility of the shower in the near future. I did mention the shower and got the "oh you can wait" brush off. This is a sample of half an hour with my mother. Picture this all day everyday for two weeks. Oh, the joy.

Monday, August 6, 2007

Things I forgot to mention...

well, it's been awhile. But now I've remembered this blog as a place to procrastinate.

Finalized trip to England plans:
London, 4 days.
Southern coast, 2 days
Oxford, 2 days
Peak district, 2 days
Wedding area, 4 days.

I'm excited. But my horoscope said this morning that if I had any trips in the next two weeks, they would be changed or re-scheduled. Not that I live life by my horoscope, but the ones at MSN used to be scary accurate. I think they've got a new person doing them though, 'cause they suck now. Last Wednesday I was supposed to fly into a rage and go all Hulk-like, but it didn't happen.

I am a noob

If you're reading this, you already know that.

I sorted out the comments issue. I had the comments on moderation, and decided to take them off, but all comments made before I took the mod option off still had to be approved. So when my genius skillz kicked into action and I figured that out, it was approved.


3 days, 2 classes, 1 project to go and there'll be four more letters to put behind my name: MLIS. Though technically I can't put them there until October 19th, when I convocate officially.

Not much else is new. Roz was away this weekend and with my sudden freedom from assignments, I thought I would have some wild times. Instead the craziness that was the last two weeks caught up with me and I slept through, well, the weekend. Good times. I did catch some chefography and giggled my way through Loaded Weapon 1, which I used to love and hadn't watched in ages.

Countdown 'till England: 15 days. Scary stuff.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

So I disappeared...

it was not airlock related. Though that would be quite the adventure.

School and job hunting are taking up a lot of time. So is wasting time online and watching All My Children. What can I say, it's a glamourific life.

Quote that is so brilliant I wish I'd said it: "And ask anyone who knows me, if there’s one type of person I can’t stand it’s others." It's from the blog redacted, which also has the genius pictures of Paris vs. puppies.

This weekend is time for HP madness. I am excited and kind of sad to say good bye to Harry and the gang in the last book, I hope that it doesn't ruin the series for me.

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Pseudenym city

So my roommate, "Roz" revealed some interesting info this evening. Someday she hopes to be cool enough to throw people out of airlocks, like her hero. Interesting. Thank goodness there are no airlocks in our apartment. And, I'd better go do my dishes before they pile up any further. ;)

Sunday, May 6, 2007

I'm baaaack

finally! I've been busy. Went "home" for Easter, then to Buffalo to see Dave the Rave et Diana, then Toronto to see Jen and watch fracture, and then I moved out of my apartment in Hamilton :( I am sad that it's gone. But the new place is great.

Classes start tomorrow. I don't want to go!! Don't make me!! Actually, it shouldn't be so bad. My mom called tonight to wish me luck and offer to hold my hand while I waited for the bus, lol. Then we started joking about packing my lunch and stuff, and I said "what if the cool kids don't like me?" and she said "Kick their ass!" Which, strangely, I don't remember her telling me 20 years ago when I first started school, LOL (she said that I wouldn't know what that meant 20 years ago anyways).

Also in the kick-ass category, Christina and I have started going to the gym. It's awesome. I was uber-paranoid about looking like an idiot, but because it's summer, hardly anyone goes, so I feel less awkward.

Monday, March 26, 2007

Girl's weekend

Lots of chocolate, talking, eating, shopping, watching Entourage in lieu of movies, more chocolate, and checking out my city. Good times. Plus we went out for a cheap-o breakfast and the next day were lazy and read all morning. Then ate more chocolate.

I'm so ready for London this weekend! Checking out the sublets and seeing my friends again. Tomorrow the course calendar comes out, fingers crossed that my classes don't conflict! I read some of the descriptions and I'm torn about what to choose.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

The Super Exhibit that Wasn't

So we went to check out the Superhero exhibit at the Ontario Science Centre over the weekend, and this is the verdict: SAVE YOUR MONEY. I wish they'd had the option of just paying for the exhibit during the day, but oh no, you had to pay to get into the science centre, too. After the lameness that was the exhibit, we were in no mood to stick around. It was really kid directed, which was a shame because the website neglects to mention it and it also was WAY, WAY more science based than comic based (and really, what do you expect from a science centre? But still, a letdown, particularly Wolverine).

We did check out the distillery district, thanks to Christina's mad knowledge of Toronto (I'm embarrassed about how little I know about it, seriously) and it was great. Loved the buildings, loved the shops, loved the coffee.

In other news, work is weird. This guy was asking me all these questions about my co-worker today, and then when I brought up the fact that she's married and has kids (it takes me time, but I'm not completely clueless) he asked if I was single. Yes, how flattering to be an option on your list, buddy. Not.

Anyways, after work I went shopping, bought a travel towel (guidebook's still not out!), jeans, new t-shirt (omigod a medium fits), and a shadow box frame I wasn't looking for but found anyways. It's got "laugh out loud" in shadow throughout the frame, I really like it. Nothing says good memories like a pic of you and your friends having a laugh. :)

I found a cute handbag that I really like too, but the price and size weren't quite right, so I'm thinking about it. I found it online, too, if it doesn't work out and it's not in the store when I go back.

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Paranoid planner

It's how one of my friends describes me, and she's not far off the mark. I'm pretty paranoid when it comes to planning... so I booked my hostel the other night for London, and I'm relieved to have a place to stay for a few nights, particularly 'cause I'll be jet lagged. I just can't make up my mind as to whether I should plan a bunch of things in different places or only visit three or four. It's like (in two weeks) potential itinery one:
1)London, Oxford, South coast, Bath, Nottingham, Manchester area. London includes a day trip to Stonehenge, Avebury, Avalon and Glasbury.
2) London (including day tour), south coast (visiting family friends), Oxford, Manchester area (for a friends wedding).

There's just so much to see/do!! And it's only March and I'm going in August. But I worry about having a cheap place to stay, which is why I'm booking now.

Sunday, March 4, 2007

Visual DNA: Dreamer, escape artist, junkie monkey, love bug

Girls' weekend

The storm was bad so my mom stayed over for the weekend instead of taking me back up to visit my family. It was fun! We were lazy Friday night, just vegged and chatted until 1:30 in the morning (whoa!) and then on Saturday we went out shopping, had the yummy Tirasmoothie at Kelsey's, then a Cinnamon Dolce Latte at starbucks (heavenly!) and went to see Music & Lyrics, which we would've watched again if it had been playing right afterwards. It's a really funny and sweet movie, plus the songs get stuck in your head. :) We're both going to buy it when it comes out on DVD.

My mom brought cookies, too! Homemade chocolate chip and her famous shortbread. She bought a copy of The Paperback Princess for me to go with the cookies. Aww, I feel like a four year old again. It was so nice to be spoiled and have a laid back weekend. I did some more planning for my trip to England but haven't worked myself up to book the hostel in London just yet.

Wednesday, February 28, 2007


Today is not going well. So far:
I woke up nauseous, dizzy and headachy, so I didn't go to work. I've been really tired for a few days so I figure this is why.
I can't book my medical appointment for May until April, even though I really, really need to make sure I get my new prescription in May.
They're cleaning the smoke damage in the apartment across the hall and its noisy.
The fire alarms are being tested again.
I forgot to top up my cell phone last night (wrote it down for today instead) and lost the balance.
I HAVE to weigh in tonight 'cause it's the last day of the month.

Ugh. I am ready to call it a day and indulge in some hard core chocolate.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

The best thing about Easter...

is the chocolate, of course (atheist much? why, yes). I just finished some mini eggs and hopped over to read my friends' blog, where she'd posted all about cream eggs. Yum!

I was given a free chocolate chip cookie at work today, too. It's the best thing about my office being where it is, on the same floor as all the meeting rooms - whenever there's leftover cake/cookies/danishes etc, it's all ours. We could have free pop or juice, but I prefer to save my sugar limits for the baked goods. Also, the lady who runs the meeting rooms always has a dish of Hershey's chocolates on her desk that she shares. I don't have one usually but yesterday I was a zombie so I ran up and said "I need sugar!!" (I meant to say, may I have some chocolate please? but instead, the inner two year old came out). Anyways, she told me to help myself, so I had a glorious mini-Hershey milk chocolate bar with toffee chips and almonds. Mmmm.

Also free today: got a free coffee with my roll up the rim to win! Yay! Things are pretty boring otherwise though. My apartment is super clean because we had "heater inspections" today, as a guy in the building set his bedroom on fire by leaving a candle burning last week. Candles are actually not allowed, so I suspect the heat inspections were more than our radiators. Plus I gave notice today 'cause I have to move back to icky London in two months. Blah.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Back into the blogging world

And finally, a title that I actually like and will remember. Yay me!

In terms of introduction - I'm a mid-twenties almost-librarian with one semester of her MLIS to go; currently on a co-op term as a research assistant and living in a city in southern Ontario.

Obsessions: reading, travel, losing weight, trying new recipes, watching Buffy and Angel (yes, they're cancelled, which is why I have them on DVD).